I Heard It On NPR, Sorta

Last weekend the NPR “Monitormix” blog posted a challenge – write and record a song in a weekend.  They had some conditions, like using a few certain words, etc. I gave it a shot. It’s not my finest work, certainly.  The vocals are a little weak, the lyrics are a …

Just in time for New Moon

Ordinarily I don’t post much about remixes, but I can’t help myself in this case. The Dark Clan has just released a single on their bandcamp site, called “Real Vampires Don’t Sparkle.”. Just in time for New Moon! The b-side is the “RPatz Nonstop Dub” by Null Device. It bears …


The exclusive ND track “Under the Gun (Immune Response)” will be appearing on the “Electronic Saviors” compilation, due out on Metropolis Records in February.  All proceeds will go to the Foundation For Cancer Research And Wellness.  Assembled by the multi-talented Jim Semonik, himself a cancer survivor, it’s a 4-disc behemoth …