Preamp Woes
I took my preamp in for repair. Then I got it back. Then I took it in for repair again. IT’s back again, and it seems to be much happier now, but MAN it was ticking me off. According to a tech I talked to at, well, one of the …
I took my preamp in for repair. Then I got it back. Then I took it in for repair again. IT’s back again, and it seems to be much happier now, but MAN it was ticking me off. According to a tech I talked to at, well, one of the …
success! I now have functional electronic drums! And cheap, too. Well, cheapish. The pads were like $40 total, the mic stand I had, the electronics and miscellaneous plumbing hardware from Home Depot were maybe $20 total. The DM-5 I got from a friend, it needs a new power adapter. Laugh …
As i’m standing in a crowd waiting for the Morrissey show to start, a couple walks up to me. “excuse me”, says the girl of the pair, “are you from Null Device? I respond affirmatively. “cool!” she says. “well, enjoy the show!” She and her male companion wave and walk …
Ever wonder how reviewers come up with things to say about an electronic album? Or how those blurbs on the sticker are written? Here’s a handy guide. Now you can write your own reviews! “ironic retro sound” == sounds like Human League circa 1982 “minimal arrangements” == boring “tongue-in-cheek humour” …