So many demos

At the behest of our fearless label-honcho, we’ve been assigned to review a few demos she’s been sent. There are some damn good ones in there. There are some not so damn good ones in there. At the risk of being impolitic, I have one suggestion for people making new …

We have the technology

I had the opportunity to do some more recording with Logic yesterday, laying down some vocal tracks with Stochastic Chuck and Matt, just on a lark. And then I did some more work on the guest vox for Epsilon Minus. I’m rapdily coming to the conclusion that this is an …

Transcript of what went on in my brain for the 31 minutes Null Device was on stage last Saturday night

Okay, lots of people, good crowd. Hey, what’s with the 8-foot DMZ, folks? We’re the locals! C’mon up! Ratio of people I don’t know to people I know strongly favors the former. I still like that for some reason. Wha? Backing tracks? That’s weird, I thought Matt was doing intros. …

tweak tweak tweak

Every album has a track that just takes forever and overwhelms the hell out of me. On “Crimson” it was “Stoplights” – the whole thing was me doing weird one-shot sound programming and I wasn’t sure it’d all fit together until the very end. On “Sublimation” it was “Fly Skyward” …