Category: blog
(review) Kraftwerk – Tour de France 03
You know, being a musical pioneer has got to be hard. When everything you built your career on has been emulated, copied, and cloned to the point of cliche, how do you stay relevant? Kraftwerk’s answer has been “remain enigmatic.” After synthesizers came to the fore of pop music in …
Halo Comp review
A review of the “Halo: Best of Madtown Electro and Synth” compilation can be found at It’s a good review, and funny as hell.
Milwaukee show pics
Photos from the show are up. They’re just snapshots from my digital camera (Fanks Wendy!) but they show ya what went down. They are, as always, in the live gallery.
Album progress, 7/29/03
Amidst the live shows, a few remixes, the re-engineering of the studio, and this pesky day job, work on “A Million Different Moments” proceeds apace. We’re close now – just a few more tweaks and we’re ready to go. We’re at the point where we’re picking people to do the …