Making the Video

We shot a video last weekend. I happened to be in the Bay Area, Mr. Goedken happened to have a camera, so we put together a video for “Word and Deed.” It was a lot of fun, actually. I got to see much of the Bay Area, get sunburned walking …

Theremin Surgery

I knocked over my theremin the other night. It was dark, I was tired and was flailing around trying to change my shirt. The volume antenna made a “snap” sound. Closer inspection revealed that it and the plat it was screwed into were lying on the floor about 6 inches …

various –

Various reviewers (“Crimson” and “Fairy Tale” ranked 30th and 9th respectively in the electronic category of's annual competition) “Nicely symphonic, Very innovative approach to synthesis! Intro built well to the lyrics…I like the haunting instrumental track under the lyrics, The string voice was sweet! I really like the contrapuntal …