Gernsback Never Expected This

So, a while ago we were asked to do a theme song for a podcast, for the sci-fi publication “Uncanny Magazine”  And we did. …and the magazine (and associated podcast) just won a 2016 Hugo Award. We can claim absolutely zero credit for the hard work and editing that got the …

Release Date

We have a release date! “While You Were Otherwise Engaged”, the sixth full-length from Null Device, will be released on September 9th on Distortion Productions (DST025). More info as we get it from the label!


Null Device is pleased to announce signing to Distortion Productions, of Pittsburgh PA, home of bands like The Dark Clan, Spider Lillies, Tenek, Am Tierpark, En Esch, and many others.    


Null Device has got two shows approaching! Columbus OH, 6/24/2016 Jess Lamb & The Factory Null Device Siebold the Terrible   Washington DC, 6/25/2016 Red Lokust Null Device Spider Lillies “Electronic Saviors IV” release benefit party thing!